Our Supreme Court rejects this concept, or fairness. It is governed by a scholasticism focused on interpreting the wording of the Constitution.
Recent efforts to raise the minimum wage could be the leading edge for broader changes to advance fairness.
Tea Part conservatives call for tax cuts for the rich while demanding budget cuts for programs to help the “undeserving” poor. And they call this “shared sacrifice”?
As you may have heard, sometimes are taxes are unfair. Here’s another example.
It is past time to make all of our “basic needs” — the imperatives for survival and reproduction — a “social right.”
The term “movement” (rather than crusade) is the preferred moniker for various organized efforts to achieve some important, morally-grounded political objective. My personal dream is that the next great political undertaking will be a “fairness movement/crusade” along the lines that I outline in my book, The Fair Society.
Paul Krugman, in a blog item, in The New York Times today (8/2/15), bemoans what he calls the “tribalism” in…
It seems that happiness is busting out all over – like that famous lyric from the classic Broadway musical, Oklahoma. Forget happiness. It’s a middle class conceit that masks what really matters, what’s really at stake.
I suspect that most arguments are not, at heart, about finding the truth but about being proven “right”. All manner of selfish interests may be at stake.
If there is a take-home lesson from the many different cooperative behaviors in the natural world, it is that cooperation is highly contingent and almost always instrumental to meeting basic survival and reproductive needs. It’s not an end in itself.