Happiness and the “Gross Misery Index”

The various happiness indexes are designed by, and for, and about those who are economically “secure” and mask an objective reality out there that is bad and getting worse for a great many people.

Capitalism and the Collective Survival Enterprise

From an evolutionary/biological perspective, our basic vocation as individuals and families is survival and reproduction – specifically the meeting of some 14 domains of “basic needs.” And if capitalist markets fail to meet our needs, we have every right to cooperate in an effort to redress our grievances.

Ethics in the Garden of Evolution

In the 21st century our ethical systems must, at one and the same time, weed out the dandelions and fight the aphids, and snails, and voles while simultaneously planting, fertilizing, watering, pruning, and harvesting the plants upon which we have come to depend for our very sustenance