Tiny Tim is a metaphor for our sickly global environment; the choice is ours. Scrooge is in the White House…
Category Social Justice
Rather like the three essentials for nurturing healthy plants (good soil, adequate water and sunlight), there are at least three nurturing elements that a society must provide, in order for democracy to prosper.
The conventional Stratford-upon-Avon Shakespeare story
requires a cognitive miracle. So, why are there so many believers?
The public trust will become a major legal battleground in the years ahead as climate change becomes an increasingly urgent life-and-death matter for more and more of humankind.
I prefer to call it a distillation of seasoned experience by some battle-hardened veterans of the vicissitudes of life.
What’s wrong with the idea of a universal basic income? Just about everything.
Just look at the view!
The Centrist Reform Program steers a middle course between a free market capitalist system … and various forms of socialism.
The overall goal involves what I call the “Fair Society” model.
We are experiencing a category of lies that deserves its own distinct label: Political lies. This matters a lot because political lies undermine the connection between the electorate and the actions of their leaders.
Our now 228-year-old democracy provides a depressing case-study of how a once-viable (if imperfect) democratic system can be undermined.