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The Synergism Hypothesis: A Theory of Progressive Evolution, (1983). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Peter A. Corning and Susan P. Corning, Winning with Synergy: How America Can Regain the Competitive Edge, (1986). New York: Harper & Row.
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Articles, Book Chapters
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“Human Nature Redivivus,” (1977). In Human Nature in Politics, (Nomos XVII), J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman, eds., pp. 19-68. New York: New York University Press.
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“Durkheim and Spencer,” (1982). The British Journal of Sociology, 33(3): 359-382.
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“Holistic Darwinism: Synergy and the New Evolutionary Paradigm,” (1998). In Research in Biopolitics (Vol. 6), Albert Somit and Steven A. Peterson eds., pp 17-42. Stamford, CT. and London: JAI Press.
Peter A. Corning and Stephen Jay Kline. “Thermodynamics, Information and Life Revisited, Part I: To Be or Entropy,” (1998). Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 15: 273-295.
Peter A. Corning and Stephen Jay Kline. “Thermodynamics, Information and Life Revisited, Part II: Thermoeconomics and Control Information,” (1998). Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 15: 453-482.
“Cooperative Genes: Synergy and the Bioeconomics of Evolution,” (1999). In The Darwinian Heritage in Sociobiology, Johan M.G. van der Dennen, David Smilie, and David R. Wilson, eds., pp. 25-45. Westport, CT: Praeger.
“The Synergism Hypothesis: On the Concept of Synergy and Its Role in the Evolution of Complex Systems,” (1999). In Toward a New Paradigm of Systems Science, Yong Pil Rhee, ed., pp. 313-388. Seoul, Korea: Seoul National University Press.
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“The Re-Emergence of ‘Emergence:’ A Venerable Concept in Search of a Theory,” (2002). Complexity, 7(6): 18-30.
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“Evolutionary Ethics: An Idea whose Time has Come? (2003). Politics and the Life Sciences, 22(1): 50-58.
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“Rotating the Necker Cube: A Bioeconomic Approach to Cooperation and the Causal Role of Synergy in Evolution,” (2013). Journal of Bioeconomics, 15: 171-193. DOI: 10.1007/s10818-012-9142-4.
“Evolution on Purpose: How Behaviour Has Shaped the Evolutionary Process,” (2013). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 112: 242-260. DOI: 10.1111/bij.12061.
“Systems Theory and the Role of Synergy in the Evolution of Living Systems,” (2013). Systems Research and Behavioral Science, DOI: 10.1002/sres2191.
“Emergence in Evolution and the Causal Role of Synergy,” (2014). In Synergie: Wissensgeschichte einer Denkfigur, Tatjana Petzer and Stephan Steiner, eds., ( press) Paderborn, Germany: Fink.
“The Fair Society, the Right to Life, and the Public Trust” (2014) Social Evolution Forum
“The Science of Human Nature and the Social Contract,” (2014). Cosmos and History, ( press).
Peter A. Corning and Eörs Szathmáry, “’Synergistic Selection’: A Darwinian Frame for the Evolution of Complexity,” (2015) Journal of Theoretical Biology 371: 45-58
“The Science of Human Nature and the Social Contract: A Biological Frame for Public Policy,” ( 2017). In Handbook of Biology and Politics, Steven A. Peterson and Albert Somit eds., pp. 406-430. London: Edward Elgar.
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“Plato’s Republic: A 21st Century Makeover,” (unpublished manuscript).
“How to Feed the World in the Age of Climate Change” (2019) PR for People® The Connector Magazine, May, 4-9.
“Teleonomy and the Proximate-Ultimate Distinction Revisited” (2019), © Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 127(4): 912–916.
“Beyond the Modern Synthesis: A Framework for a More Inclusive Biological Synthesis,” (2020) © Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 153: 5-12.
The Synergism Hypothesis (Revisited): A Theory Whose Time Has Come? (2022) Theoretical Biology Forum 115:1-2, pp.85-97
A Systems Theory of Biological Evolution (2022) Biosystems 214: 104583
Politics in Evolution: The First 5 Million Years and the Next 100. Biopolitics at 50 Years: Founding and Evolution, Emerald Press (2022)
The “Selfish Gene” Model of Evolution Was Totally Wrong: It’s Time to Replace It with the (Cooperative) “Read-Write” Genome in Living Organisms. (Unpublished)
Culture-Gene Coevolution: Darwin’s Other Theory Comes into View. (2023) Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 139:563-569.
Teleonomy in Evolution: The” Ghost in the Machine” (2023) in P.A Corning, et al.,eds., Evolution “On Purpose”: Teleonomy in Living Systems, Cambridge MA: The MIT Press.
How vs. Why Questions in Symbiogenesis (2021) Biosystems.
Thermoeconomics: Time to Move Beyond the Second Law (2020) Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
“Synergistic Selection”: A Cooperative Model of Evolution. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (2023) https:
Teleonomy in Physiology and Evolution (2023) (Unpublished)
The Superorganism and “The Fair Society”: Beyond Capitalism and Socialism (2023) (Unpublished)
Time for a New Social Contract (2023) (Unpublished)
A Universal Minimum Income Versus “A Basic Needs Guarantee” (2023) (Unpublished)
Ayn Rand Shrugged (2023) (Unpublished)
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How to Feed the World (The Connector (2023)
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Book Reviews and Commentaries
“An Aid to Navigation Through an Intellectual Fog-Bank,” (1996). Review of S.J. Kline, Conceptual Foundations for Multidisciplinary Thinking (1996). Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 13(4): 491-503.
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“The Sociobiology of Democracy: Is Authoritarianism in Our Genes?” (2000). Review of Albert Somit and Steven A. Peterson, Darwinism, Dominance and Democracy: The Biological Bases of Authoritarianism (1997). Politics and Life Sciences, 19: 103-108.
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“Unmasking Darwin’s Cathedral,” (2003). Review of David Sloan Wilson, Darwin’s Cathedral: Evolution, Religion and the Nature of Society (2002). Skeptic, 10(3): 58-60.
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Commentary: On Janet Landa, “The Bioeconomics of Homogeneous Middlemen…” (2008). Journal of Bioeconomics, 10(3): 291-292.
Review of Robert G.B. Reid, Biological Emergence: Evolution by Natural Experiment (2007). Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 10(2): 129-135 (2008).