In recent years we have come to understand better the forces that have shaped biological evolution over the course of…
In this volume, a number of biologists and philosophers of science, greatly expand on the thesis that “teleonomy” (“internal” purposiveness…
As evidence of our global survival crisis continues to mount, the expression “too little, too late” comes to mind. We…
@World Scientific, 2018 DESCRIPTION Synergistic Selection takes us on a synergy-guided tour of the history of life. As Corning puts…
Nature’s Magic presents a bold new vision of the evolutionary process – from the Big Bang to the 21st century. Synergy of various kinds is not only a ubiquitous aspect of the natural world but it has also been a wellspring of creativity and the “driver” of the broad evolutionary trend toward increased complexity, in nature and in human societies alike.
Calls for a paradigm shift, a refocusing of evolutionary biology to address the rise of complex systems over time and their emergence as distinct units of selection, with special reference to the causal role of synergy, thermodynamics, information theory, and the bioeconomic influences underlying evolutionary change.
A major causal theory of complexity in evolution at all levels, based on the functional advantages arising from synergistic effects of varying kinds.
The Fair Society calls for a new social contract based on three biologically-grounded fairness principles – equality in relation to our “basic needs,” equity in providing rewards for merit, and reciprocity to repay the benefits we receive from others and society.