The conventional Stratford-upon-Avon Shakespeare story
requires a cognitive miracle. So, why are there so many believers?
The public trust will become a major legal battleground in the years ahead as climate change becomes an increasingly urgent life-and-death matter for more and more of humankind.
I prefer to call it a distillation of seasoned experience by some battle-hardened veterans of the vicissitudes of life.
What’s wrong with the idea of a universal basic income? Just about everything.
Just look at the view!
And it may happen sooner than you think.
The Centrist Reform Program steers a middle course between a free market capitalist system … and various forms of socialism.
The overall goal involves what I call the “Fair Society” model.
We are experiencing a category of lies that deserves its own distinct label: Political lies. This matters a lot because political lies undermine the connection between the electorate and the actions of their leaders.
Our now 228-year-old democracy provides a depressing case-study of how a once-viable (if imperfect) democratic system can be undermined.
If we are looking for a reason to hope that we might ultimately be able to transcend tribalism based on parochial and divisive interests, we may find it in a more global tribe that converts more and more of “them” into more and more of “us.”